I'm wondering if there's a better way to do what we're doing.

Currently, we have about 12,000 web sites, each of which uses a virtual
directory that refers to the web root


Some of these sites end up buying domains and they just end up going to
www.mywebsite1.com .. but the virtual directory still works.

So yeah, we've got 12,000 virtual directories (back in the old days, we
actually had 2,000 physical subdirectories with 2,000 identical copies of
the files, so the virtual directory method was a vast improvement)

that being said, I'm having problems getting my dot net calls to work (a
topic for another thread) but this got me thinking.. is there a better way?

Could I somehow have a catch-all virtual directory that would prevent me
from having to create unique virtual directories for every site?

like, in the case www.mydomain.com/mywebsite1/foo.cfm, if there ws no
"/mywebsite1/" physical directory, then look for "foo.cfm" in the web root..
but do not REDIRECT (because we rely on "/mywebsite1/" being in the URL so
we know which site they're accessing)


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