On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Will Swain <w...@hothorse.com> wrote:
> For those who have run through this book, how much time at a minimum did
> they find they needed to spend on each language?

Ben Nadel gave an indication of how long most of the homework
exercises have taken him in his blog posts... Some were quick, some
exercises took him four or five hours. Depending on how quickly you
grok the concepts it may take you more or less time. I limited myself
to 2-3 hours per evening as I worked thru the book and mostly got thru
a 'day' each evening (each 'day' has three or four exercises and each
language has three 'days' associated with it). I typically tackled one
language a week, depending on my schedule.

Expect to have to spend time on Google with each language. Tate gives
only brief notes on where to find the installers and you'll need to
spend time on each language's site figuring out how to get it
installed and running. For Io, I ended up having to build it from
source from an older releases because the latest downloads simply
didn't work for me on Mac OS X (they worked on Ubuntu tho'). You'll
find most of the language sites are *nix-centric so you'll probably
have an easier time on Mac / Linux than Windows - most open source
language development has occurred on Linux.

Caveat: only Io was completely new to me (and it caused me the most
pain). Ruby was fairly new but I found it very easy and got thru that
in just two evenings. I currently program in Scala and Clojure (but
the book material and the exercises are still interesting /
challenging) and I've done a fair bit of Prolog (a long time ago).
I've also played with Haskell (quite a bit) and Erlang (a little)
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. -- http://getrailo.com/
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

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