Seems a custom cfsearch tag might be useful here if Adobe have not
implemented it very well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dominic Watson [] 
Sent: 17 January 2011 09:08
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: CFSearch and SOLR

I tried and ended up doing it directly. As far as I could see it was not

Using Solr directly wasn't too much bother and the benefits were more than
worth it.

On 16 January 2011 23:25, Dan Baughman <> wrote:

> Hi List,
> Has anyone setup any of the complex Facet stuff that Solr supports 
> through ColdFusion using CFSEARCH?
> It seems to me that you would have to interact with the SOLR server 
> directly via CFHTTP to get any of the decent features out of Solr.
> Specificaly, I want to specific some facet parameters to get facet 
> counts for a faceted search.  My undestanding  is that to do this you 
> have to throw some additional arguments into the URL arguments to 
> Solr's web service, not just passed them in as Criteria (which would 
> work if CFSEARCH didn't URL encode your criteria for you.
> Does anyone know how to update these arguments per search, or tell 
> CFSEARCH not to urlencode the criteria?
> Thanks,
> Dan

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