Here's what I do to force traffic onto the same domain so Google is happy:
...taken from where I set my application vars ... <cfset application.FQDN = ""> /... ...this is inside of /Application.cfm <cfif compareNoCase(cgi.server_name,application.AMPro.FQDN)> <cfif Len(Trim(cgi.query_string)) gt 0> <cfset variables.QueryDelim="?"> <cfelse> <cfset variables.QueryDelim=""> </cfif> <cfif not CompareNoCase(cgi.https,"ON")> <cfset variables.HTTPData="https://"> <cfelse> <cfset variables.HTTPData="http://"> </cfif> <cfif not Compare(cgi.server_port,"80")> <cfset variables.ServerPort=""> <cfelse> <cfset variables.ServerPort=":" & cgi.server_port> </cfif> <cfset variables.newURL=variables.HTTPData & application.FQDN & variables.ServerPort & cgi.script_name & variables.QueryDelim & cgi.query_string> <cfif not compareNoCase(right(cgi.script_name,10),"/index.cfm")> <cfset variables.newURL=replaceNoCase(variables.newURL,"index.cfm","")> </cfif> <cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved permanently"> <cfheader name="Location" value="#variables.newURL#"> </cfif> What it does is check to see if the domain is what its supposed to be. If it isn't, the url is dissected and reassembled, this time using the correct domain. Additionally, it also looks for any url with an 'index.cfm' in it. Google doesn't like to see links to both and so this eliminates that 'duplicate' url. All of this has to be done in conjunction with matching link coding throughout your site. It won't help (and I am sure it would hurt) to do this if your own links aren't written properly. As in you consistently use the proper fully qualified domain name, and your links to your home page never use 'index.cfm'. -- --m@Robertson-- Janitor, The Robertson Team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: