Would i place that in my application.cfm or at the top of my pages?

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Robert Harrison <rob...@austin-williams.com
> wrote:

> > I believe Google's webmaster tools has the option to treat www and
> non-www traffic as the same?
> Actually Google dislikes you using both and it will hurt SEO rankings.  We
> use the www version only, but you could easily alter this routine to go the
> other way.
> This is tested...
> <cfset rootip="http://www.mysite.com";>
> <cfif Find( "www.",cgi.http_host) is false>
>        <cfset jump="#rootip#">
>        <cfset jump="#jump##cgi.request_uri#">
>        <cfif trim(cgi.query_string) is not "">
>                <cfset jump="#jump#?#cgi.query_string#">
>        </cfif>
>        <cflocation url="#jump#" addToken="no" statusCode="301">
> </cfif>
> Robert B. Harrison
> Director of Interactive Services
> Austin & Williams
> 125 Kennedy Drive, Suite 100
> Hauppauge NY 11788
> P : 631.231.6600 Ext. 119
> F : 631.434.7022
> http://www.austin-williams.com
> Great advertising can't be either/or.  It must be &.
> Plug in to our blog: A&W Unplugged
> http://www.austin-williams.com/unplugged

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