
Back in the day we did actually "need" sessions to hold across servers, but 
we went with the client-vars-in-the-DB to do it.  Don't know if AOL still 
does this, but back in 2004 when many end users (B2C) were still using AOL 
as their ISP, AOL had a habit of changing a user's IP every 3 or 4 page 
requests ... which played hell with load balanced e-commerce sites, since 
the LB treated a new IP as a new session which may or may not get the same 
server assignment.  By linking the "session" from the browser to the 
application (via client vars) rather than from the browser to the server 
(via session vars) we were able to smoothly pass "sessions" within an 
application from one server to another without issue.

Barring that, though, just for a typical web experience, it's simply not 
needed.  If you could guarantee that users won't have their IPs changed in 
mid-visit, it would also not be needed.


From: "Sean Corfield" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:48 PM
To: "cf-talk" <>
Subject: Re: Clustering ColdFusion - some "black holes"

I hope Mike Brunt is still on this list and will jump in on this
because he has a lot of experience with clustering JRun and has a lot
to say about session replication and other options (basically he
agrees with Dave :)

My experience with session replication on JRun was that replication
could lag and you could get failover to occur without session data
being fully replicated so you'd lose data anyway. This is true of most
JEE containers (although JRun's session replication does seem a little
less robust than some of the others). You may also generate a huge
amount of internal network traffic as all session variable updates are
replicated to other servers in the cluster. If you grow the cluster,
you increase the network traffic as each server has to replicate to
every other server - which is why most folks who even go down this
path tend to partition the cluster into small, replicating groups with
the load balancer set to failover only within a group (unless the
whole group goes offline, when it fails over to a new group and you
lose sessions).

In general, very, very sites have such critical session data that they
need to replicate. Everyone seems to think they need it but the
reality is that failover is (should be!) rare enough that the number
of end users adversely affected on most sites is minuscule and,
frankly, if your servers are failing over regularly, you have bigger
problems than session loss.

One thing that a cluster with failover does buy you is the ability to
do rolling deployments across the cluster with zero downtime
(depending on how you manage database updates, of course), but even
then there are other options, such as using a load balancer that
supports session draining on sticky sessions etc (that was how we did
it at /


On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 6:10 AM, Dave Watts <> wrote:
> Is there a specific requirement for session replication? Because you
> might get generally better results if you just use sticky sessions.
> That buys you load balancing, but not complete failover - but it may
> be enough, if your failure rate is acceptably low.
> I've set up session replication for a couple of clients, and the whole
> thing just seemed a bit fragile to me. I'd prefer to use a database
> for session management in this case, I think - which might involve
> using Client variables instead of Session variables, or might involve
> custom code to synchronize Session variables with a database.

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