
Your comments about CFB being slow bother me, and warrant some exploration.
Can you provide more detail? Do you have projects set up into a shared dev
environment over the network? I can't imagine that would be fast for any

I have a copy of all my projects locally, I install CF servers locally (4
different server versions), and I update my dev & test servers only by
exporting from source control. Having these projects locally lets me do
development without screwing with other developers' dev environments. I
can't tell you how many times I was refactoring an application's guts at the
same time a co-worker was working on a new feature (sorry Alan!). That kind
of separation earlier in my career would have really cut down on people
yelling at me.

nathan strutz
[] []

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 8:02 AM, Gerald Guido <>wrote:

> >> Who is being flippant? It's a fact of life that some developer tools
> cost money.
> Going out on a limb here....
> It is all relative. Good tools cost do cost good money. But.... For some
> here, $300 is chump change. For others, even the gainfully employed, that
> could mean making a car or mortgage payment, or not. Times are tough. I
> would wager that some of the folks here vocal about not complaing about it
> not being expensive have incomes in excess of six figures, or close to it.
> For those people it is *not* expensive, but for independents or 9-5ers that
> are struggling to put their kids though college  $300 *is* a good chunk of
> change.
> I like CFB but it is a dog @ work. Our intranet has thousands of cfm's and
> cfc's (it handles *all* of our internal business proccesses) and CFB is
> about as nimble as a mastodon in a tar pit. So is it worth $300 in this
> instance? Arguably not.
> Flame on Garth!
> G!

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