The only abuse I've seen from
abuse of the English language.

/me runs

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Brian Kotek <> wrote:

> What are we actually debating, again? The original issue at the root of all
> this was that Adobe is being "abusive" to the OSS engines. Highlighting the
> competitive advantages that Adobe feels they have over Railo or OpenBD, or
> the negative impact they feel it those engines have on the Adobe or CF
> community, is not abuse. It is exactly what competitors do. Everyone is
> free
> to agree or disagree with what Adobe is saying. But to call it "abuse"
> reveals, at best, a lack of understanding of what the word means, and at
> worst, an intentional misrepresentation.
> I keep asking for some examples of the horrible abuse that Adobe (or
> anyone,
> really) are directing at the OSS engines, but no one seems to be bothering
> to provide any.

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