Normally Dave Watts really knows his stuff, but I have to disagree with one of 
his suggestions. I definitely would NOT refresh an application by renaming it.

While this will work, I would think that would leave the old Application scope 
running on the server. This isn't something that the GC would know to come by 
and pick up as there are still variables referencing the data - there just 
aren't any pages using the variables.

The upshot of that is that all of the data stored in Application scope under 
the old Application name continues to exist after you have renamed the 
application - you have just created an entirely new copy of all of those 
application variables.

Do this a few times and you eventually have a lot of RAM tied up keeping track 
of variables that you aren't using at all.

> > How does one refresh application.cfc application variables without 
> restarting coldfusion services? Thanks in advance.
> 1. Rename your application. 

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