> Normally Dave Watts really knows his stuff, but I have to disagree with one 
> of his suggestions. I definitely would NOT refresh an application by
> renaming it.
> While this will work, I would think that would leave the old Application 
> scope running on the server. This isn't something that the GC would know
> to come by and pick up as there are still variables referencing the data - 
> there just aren't any pages using the variables.
> The upshot of that is that all of the data stored in Application scope under 
> the old Application name continues to exist after you have renamed
> the application - you have just created an entirely new copy of all of those 
> application variables.
> Do this a few times and you eventually have a lot of RAM tied up keeping 
> track of variables that you aren't using at all.

Well, I was really just listing that for completeness. Those are the
two ways I know to accomplish the requested task. I prefer the second
approach usually, unless I'm really in a hurry I guess.

But the first option isn't really harmful to the server, especially in
the typical case when you'd do it - in development. The "orphaned"
application will go out of scope normally after the specified period
of inactivity.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
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