More on SQL-topic than CF (MS SQL), but hopefully is an easy one. I have
items with a datetime field that stores when the items are added to the DB.
There is a pivot table that links items to categories. I'm trying to pull
out the top 5 unique categories with the newest-added items. This is what
I'm "trying" to do even though the syntax doesn't work:

SELECT TOP 5 DISTINCT pivot.CategoryID, Category.Name, Item.DateAdded
FROM Category
INNER JOIN pivot ON Category.CategoryID = pivot.CategoryID
INNER JOIN Item ON pivot.ItemID = Item.ItemID
ORDER BY Item.DateAdded DESC

I can get close, but the DateAdded fields are always unique (sometimes only
seconds apart, but unique) so no matter what I do it always thinks the
result records are unique and won't give me unique CategoryIDs. Ideas?

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