Here's what I ended up with

SELECT distinct TOP 5 pc.nCategoryID, c.sCategory, YEAR(p.dPartDate) AS
theyear, MONTH(p.dPartDate) AS themonth, DAY(p.dPartDate) AS theday
FROM Category c
INNER JOIN PartCat pc ON pc.nCategoryID=c.nCategoryID
inner join part p on pc.npartid=p.npartid
order by theyear DESC, themonth desc, theday desc

Adding any part-specific fields to the select list results in duplicate
CategoryIDs, and I don't fully understand why the DISTINCT can't remain
exclusive to the CategoryID field, but so far I think it'll do what's
needed. The results can be looped over to get more detail which means
subqueries, but it functions. Combining TOP and DISTINCT with GROUP/ORDER
remains somewhat uncertain...

-----Original Message-----
From: John M Bliss [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 10:55 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: SQL selecting distinct items by date?

SELECT TOP 5 DISTINCT pivot.CategoryID, Category.Name, YEAR(Item.DateAdded)
AS theyear, MONTH(Item.DateAdded) AS themonth, DAY(Item.DateAdded) AS theday

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 12:51 PM, wabba <> wrote:

> More on SQL-topic than CF (MS SQL), but hopefully is an easy one. I have
> items with a datetime field that stores when the items are added to the
> There is a pivot table that links items to categories. I'm trying to pull
> out the top 5 unique categories with the newest-added items. This is what
> I'm "trying" to do even though the syntax doesn't work:
> SELECT TOP 5 DISTINCT pivot.CategoryID, Category.Name, Item.DateAdded
> FROM Category
> INNER JOIN pivot ON Category.CategoryID = pivot.CategoryID
> INNER JOIN Item ON pivot.ItemID = Item.ItemID
> ORDER BY Item.DateAdded DESC
> I can get close, but the DateAdded fields are always unique (sometimes
> seconds apart, but unique) so no matter what I do it always thinks the
> result records are unique and won't give me unique CategoryIDs. Ideas?

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