Matt, as you want a non CF solution, you might be best posting elsewhere to
find a database guru who could do it all directly on the DB.
If no-one here pipes up then try

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Rick Faircloth <>wrote:

> Hi, Matt...
> I know you might have looked at this link at
> for a solution to processing your data feed, but I thought I'd
> bring it up, just in case you haven't seen it.  Looks like it
> might be right up your alley.
> 1-in-and-out
> While I didn't have to process xml files, I do have to process
> a daily data feed of real estate data in comma-delimited files
> and insert that info into a MySQL 5 database.
> At first, I tried processing the files with CF, but it was a
> *really* slow process using CF, taking almost a minute to process
> some files.  Finally, someone on this list
> suggested I take a look at the MySQL commands for loading data
> from files, such as, in your case, "Load_File()", which opens
> an entire XML document, makes it available as a string,
> and inserts this string into a table column.  In my case, using
> MySQL's load data infile, the time was reduced to less than a second.
> Check out the page above for details on usage and syntax.
> hth,
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Robertson []
> Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:22 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Big XML files processing Really s-l-o-w. Solution?
> Hey everybody, we're in a bind here and I pitched the idea to the
> client of bringing in a ringer.  Is there someone out there who is
> interested in building a direct-to-SQL Server or direct-to-mySQL-based
> solution?
> Solution would have to, on a scheduled basis, grab a file in a
> location on the server on its own without CF and process it (we have
> stuff that retrieves/places the file).  Current file size is about 50
> mb but must be expected to go to around 100.  At 42mb using just CF I
> am at about 70 seconds per record loop.  We need a *significant*
> improvement in performance.  Work would be on a dedicated Windows
> server.  Present box is a fairly powerful Crystaltech Win2003 Server
> w/4GB RAM and a Xeon 2.8 processor w/4 cores.  We'd consider a
> Win2008, 64-bit installation to improve speed.  Looking at a 24-core
> server at Viviotech w/16gb as a hi-horsepower alternative.
> Our feed partner is probably going to be able to use a different
> method of delivery that will reduce file size, but for now we need to
> plan for the worst and move on it.
> Anyone interested?  You can email me at my for-reals email at matt AT
> mysecretbase DOT com.
> --
> --m@Robertson--
> Janitor, The Robertson Team

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