I can see both sides on this one very clearly.

To this point, all I've ever done is develop custom
applications and websites.  I haven't sold the exact same
site in 10 or so years of development!

However, I really want to get away from working
just one-on-one with clients.  They can be a real pain.
Some are just downright ignorant and impossible to work with.
(You can tell I've had a couple of bad experiences lately... ;o)

I'm want to move into developing sites for specific uses, such
as for recreation departments or real estate agents and brokers, etc.,
and have them sign up for the site online, choose their template,
put in their content, and, after a free trial period, they pay
their money.  If they need support, they can email me.

If they want functional customization, I'll build a custom function for a
charge them for it, then make that function available to anyone
else using my "SAAS" sites.  The customers will never own the sites
and never have the opportunity to "take the code" elsewhere.

If they want cosmetic or style customization, I can do that
and charge them for it.  It will still remain my site and not
the client's site.

I'll still build custom apps along the way, I'm sure, but I'd
like to start making my work on an app/site pay more than one time.

However, like you Matt, I may end up going back to individual
customizations, if things don't work out so well on the SAAS front.
I do have some clients who always insist on being absolutely unique
and want to have the "best" site. To those who want to be absolutely
unique, I can sell the template for a few thousand or whatever amount,
and they'll have exclusive rights to use that template, but they
still won't own it. Soon as they stop paying, the template goes
back into the fold.

I just want to test this approach and see if I can make it work.


PS - when it comes to the database, I'm leaning towards a different
database for each client.  I'd hate to have problems with a client's
data and have to parse through everyone else's data to see what
the problem is.  Of course, I do have some "common data" databases
that everyone would share...local area info, etc. But I'm currently
still using distinct databases for client-specific data.

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Robertson [mailto:websitema...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 1:02 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Feedback on this approach to "many sites, one codebase" (MSOC)

Even though my own CMS can handle multiple sites running off of a
single installation, I don't run it that way.  The points brought up
about clients wanting individual customizations and portability fit my
situation.  I understand if you are offering software-as-a-service
things change, but for me this turned out to be enough of a headache
that I reverted to separate installs and have never regretted it.  If
a customer wants an upgrade, they pay me an hour or two individually
to make that happen.  If they want a specific feature that I don't
want to fold into the overall codebase, I can do it - and earn the
money for doing it - without worrying about consequences on 40 other
web sites on the server.  But thats a business decision and not
coding.  Mentioned just as food for thought.

For sites for my own company, where presently we have about 36 up and
running and will be at around 60 when we are done, we *do* share a
single codebase.  There are no special mappings.  Each site has an
Application.cfm that looks like this:


<cfinclude template="../common/Application_common.cfm">

The common file has some server vars too:

server.dsn= etc. etc. blah blah

And thats enough - along with more code in the common
"Application.cfm" - to set up absolute and relative paths to the files
I have located in the common-use folder.  Every site has its own
independent application scope.

I've opted to set the app name manually so I can reset session and app
vars if need be... a rare occurrence but its nice to have the option

The root of this web site is a root folder in a discrete IIS web site
and, since CF has no trouble recursing back up beyond a web root
insofar as physical paths go, the /common/ folder is not accessible
from the web, but it is from CF.  Very simple to set up.

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