On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Judah McAuley wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Matt Quackenbush wrote:
> > That's the beauty of refactoring, though.  Unless you need to, don't.
>  And
> > if no other method is calling it (or expected to call it), then it is not
> > needed.  If it becomes needed, refactor and add it in.  :-)
> I generally agree with this notion but I think it starts to fall apart
> with more complex methods. You might have a whole routine that only
> gets called one place but is complex enough that there are benefits to
> breaking it up into multiple methods that have single concerns. Doing
> so makes it easier to debug (the method names provide helpful clues to
> follow the chain of execution) and makes it much easier to unit test.

I totally agree.  I was trying to approach it from the perspective of a
n00b, though.  (Hence the overly generalized statement.)  I was figuring
that the OP is not unit testing or writing up huge, complex methods.  My
apologies if I misunderstood the OP's current level of experience with these

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