If you want the string to be parsed by CF, you could use the Evaluate function:


e.g. when the text from db = "Hi #name#. How's it going?"

variables.name = 'dom';
finalOutput = Evaluate( textFromDb ); // final output = "Hi dom. How's
it going?"


On 1 April 2011 16:22, Scott Williams <myscottwilli...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi all --
> I have a script that draws some text from a database, and I would like to 
> embed
> a person's name within the text.
> For example, the database field contains this text:
> Hi #name#. How's it going?
> I would like the #name# to be replaced with a previously defined variable
> "name."
> Can ColdFusion do this? If so, how?
> Scott

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