You have chosen  the multi-server installation instead of the standalone
version, thus why the folders and paths are totally different.
The default instance is located at c:\jrun4\servers\cfusion

However if you have no need of the multi server features and did this by
mistake then I would suggest you un-install and install the standalone
version and just avoid all the issues.

If you intend to run multiple versions of CF for compatibility testing, then
multi-server is probably the easiest way to do this as you can run previous
version as a new instanced deployed as war files.

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 8:04 PM, Donnie Carvajal <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently installed an enterprise version of CF9 and the default directory
> is c:\jrun4 and there is no CustomTags directory.  I added my customtags
> directory from my MX7 server and the custom tags calls are returning errors
> that they can't be found.  Does anyone know where the CustomTags default
> directory is?  BTW, this is a "library" of tags that all of the apps on the
> server will use, so placing them in the root of the web app is not an
> option.
> Thanks,
> Donnie

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