Remote working is also fine?We live and work in the Netherlands, have used ACF 
for 11 years and now Railo for two years.Timedifference might be a challenge, 
and hourly rates are a bit higher here in Europe than at your side of the 
pond.Anyways, love to hear what, where and how if you are interested.

Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk
=================================So long and thanx 4 all the fish==>

> To:
> Subject: More work than we can handle
> Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 12:43:54 -0400
> From:
> Not sure if I'm posting this to the right place in the CFLIST or not, but the 
> bottom line is we are swamped with more work than we can handle. 
> I need a very reliable CF programmer or CF consulting group who can take at 
> least one, maybe two projects and in the next few months.  These are not 
> small projects. The involve building CMS and maybe front end. May build CMS 
> and apply the CF to a front end we build.
> Anyone interested in discussing/quoting projects please call me or email me 
> and we'll talk. An independent or a company is fine. Just need to get the 
> work done.
> Thanks,
> Robert
> Robert B. Harrison
> Director of Interactive Services
> Austin & Williams
> 125 Kennedy Drive, Suite 100 
> Hauppauge NY 11788
> P : 631.231.6600 Ext. 119 
> F : 631.434.7022
> Great advertising can't be either/or.  It must be &.
> Plug in to our blog: A&W Unplugged

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