Just for the record, I use other techniques to protect my sites too
but in this case, i was outlining what saved me in this case.
Clearly there are a bazillion ways nasty people can do damage or
exploit weaknesses in sites.

In this case, I was grateful that I hadn't given in to the temptation
to take the shortcut.   The fields that the hacker was trying to
inject into are integer fields.   If I hadn't had the cfqueryparam set
up for all variables to the query,  AND the cf-sqltype="integer"
parameter as well,  the injection might have got through the other
defences I have set up.

But the cfqueryparam stopped the text injection getting into the
query, and the fact that i use error handling to trap errors, and give
no feedback as to why the  url failed,  meant it was difficult for the
hacker to figure out what he had to do to get around my defences.  As
it is, I got to watch over a period of 8 hours several hundred
attempts to exploit my database and do damage, without having to lift
a finger.

I use a code writer to write most of my queries - at least the CRUD
ones anyway,  so it's no difficulty to ensure all the queries have
cfqueryparam but at the time I wrote this site, I didnt have the code
writer ready yet.   I'm just glad i took the time back then to do the
job properly and not cut corners.

All I'm saying about this is:    whenever you think it's not likely
someone will try to hack your site, and anyway you're up against a
deadline and cfqueryparam is a long-winded way to type out the simple
parameter you want to use,   THINK AGAIN!!   it is DEFINITELY worth
putting up all the defences you can, provided there isnt an undue
price to pay in terms of performance.  In fact, using cfqueryparam
improves performance of queries- that site of mine is a
database-driven site for a radio show,  and it just lopes along during
the show when load is higher.

If anyone is curious about what site it is, I'll be happy to tell you
and let you have a look for yourself,  but I'm reluctant to post the
url here since I've discussed so much about the security of the site.
Just send me an email off line and i'll tell you.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 11:49 PM, Dorioo <dor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok. I'll respect your opinion.
> But for anyone new to CF that may read this, I don't believe there is a
> debate about using cfqueryparam. My impression is that the settled majority
> best practice is to use it blindly, use it everywhere rather than not use
> it, or use it sparingly, or not use it because of code aesthetic reasons.
> - Gabriel
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 9:04 AM, <> wrote:
>>  >>Are you implying that cfqueryparam _shouldn't_ be used for these
>> reasons??
>> No, I'm just saying that there are better and more efficient ways of
>> fighting attacks.
>> I use cfqueryparam on some occasions, but not everywhere blindly.

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