On 5/4/2011 9:54 AM, Rachel Lehman wrote:
> I've been running the CF Builder 2 Beta as a plugin to my Eclipse Helios 
> install. I also have Aptana, CFEclipse (from before), Mylyn/Foglyn and 
> MercurialEclipse running as part of my core work environment. I feel like CF 
> Builder doesn't run very well in this configuration, whenever I try to run it 
> as a plugin it is difficult to find and enable lots of the features and some 
> things don't seem to work consistently.
> I'm thinking of rebuilding my environment using the CFB standalone, then 
> installing Mylyn /Foglyn (Mylyn may be included in CFB, not sure) and 
> MercurialEclipse as plugins. Has anyone done this and how well does it work?
> Trying to avoid rebuilding multiple times :) TIA for any thoughts!

Forgive the obvious question, but don't you have a house geek that
knows more about this than the list? ;)

I always use standalone Eclipse for each new product. I can't tell
you why, but I feel more comfortable having each plugin in a separate
Eclipse. CFEclipse, CFB2, CCW, and I don't know what else. I have
each of them separate in case Eclipse decides to go mental.

Love to hear what your experiences turn out to be.
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