I'm running into a strange issue here.

CF8: (8,0,1,195765)
JVM: 1.6.0_16
Windows Server 2003

We're implementing a resume parsing service, posting the resumes to the
service using cfhttp. All was going well until we ran across a handfull of
our test resumes, all with non-English special characters (accented
characters, Greek letters etc). As far as I can tell, all the characters are
valid utf-8, but the cfhttp call fails with "Connection Failure" in the
filecontent on all files containing one of these characters. If I remove the
offending character, I get the full results.

I've also tried saving the result to a file (by passing the file and path
params to cfhttp), but the resulting file is getting cut off--but not at the
offending character, there is plenty of the file content after the
character. IIS logs indicate that the server is receiving the full byte
count reported by the response headers. It appears that the content is
getting cut off somewhere in the JVM or CF processing. Days of google
searches have turned up no similar experiences, nor any workable solutions.

If I retool the call to use MSXML as a COM object, the offending files run
fine, though they take 20+ seconds longer to process. Such a degradation in
performance is obviously unacceptable.

We're at a loss trying to determine what the root cause of this problem is,
and the only solution so far increases processing time 10 fold. Has anyone
seen anything like this before? I'm open to any ideas on getting a workable
solution to this.

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