The story is as follows:
Someone got on the box a month or two back and added their own Google
Adsense code to my pages. When I found it, I reported it to Google and
removed the code. The person who put the code there has been attacking me
again and again while asking me to get his Adsense account reinstated. He's
been on the box a few times in the last hour, stopping services, changing
pages, etc. He doesn't seem to realize that this is unacceptable behavior.

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Steve Milburn <> wrote:

> Just an alert to those who maintain the HOF site (Michael?) - It looks
> like it's been hacked.  Anyone else seeing something unexpected when
> view the main page?  I can navigate to directly to some other pages
> fine, but the front page ( has been compromised.
> Steve

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