This is not a CF issue as much as it is a don't be a "one trick pony" issue.
Regardless of the language or product or technology you focus on, you
absolutely need to also branch out and broaden your skills. And this is not
a new issue, back in the 90's I wrote about how the best ColdFusion
developers also had skills in other languages and technologies, and that
broadening your repertoire would actually help you write better CF, too.
Ideally you'd do this with related technologies, so that what you learn and
use adds value to your current job and projects while also setting you up
for future success, be it server-side Java (which is invaluable in CF
project but which also has value outside of CF) or mastering client
libraries like jQuery (again, useful with CF but also useful independent of
CF), and so on. Bottom line, be it CF or ASP or PHP or anything else, your
long time value in this industry requires that you keep adding to your
skillset - if you are not broadening your skillset then you're gradually
fading into obscurity.

--- Ben

-----Original Message-----
From: Integration Developer [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 11:05 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: So to flog the preverbial undead horse

I've been a CF developer for over 8 years. in that time I've seen I don't
know how many threads on how CF is a dying language. In my experience
however it seems to have a consistent level of demand. Recruiters have told
me that in the future I should move out the CF field and more into C#/ASP
realm. I'm very happy in my current position and I am compensated quite
well. But as someone who is 36 and with 2 children there is some concern
about future career. So my question to all of you is easy: can you convince
me that CF will continue to pay my bills, clothe my children and put bacon
in the beans? If not, suggest some alternative pathways (honestly with a
CIS/Business minor degree I've thought about IT management.). 


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