I'd definitely ditto the Flex recommendation - along with jQuery. I
used to assume everything front end was "design-y" and something I
couldn't do - but learning JavaScript (mainly jQuery) and Flex has
complemented my CF skills well.

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Bryan Stevenson
<br...@electricedgesystems.com> wrote:
> yep...CF has been dying ever since I started in 1998 - v 3.1
> It is wise to ask the questions you're asking, but if you are gainfully
> employeed you are in the perfect situation to protect yourself.  While
> employed you can carve off some time to  learn some other language.
> That will benefit you in 2 ways; 1) the more tools in the tool belt the
> better the programmer you can become (note I said can folks...not will)
> 2) You'll be ready if the smelly stuff hits the fan.
> How's that for silver lining? ;-)
> oh....and have a look at FLEX....that with CF as the backend is a  great
> combo IMHO.
> Cheers

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