The answer is in your own post, but as you don't share the code for
onSessinEnd() and don't tells us what error you are getting then it makes it
hard to help.

On the surface, what is the problem. Is it that when you put the component
in a directory it doesn't work or what? But if this is the case then it
sounds like a path issue.

Andrew Scott

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gerald Weir []
> Sent: Thursday, 16 June 2011 1:31 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: onSessionEnd not working as expected
> I have read many posts by people who have problems with onSessionEnd.
> This is my first conversion of application.cfm to application.cfc and the
> onSessionEnd is not working with the CFFunction I am trying to invoke.
> I guess what's hanging this up is how to properly call the component from
> /lib/components/ folder where it resides.
> When a user logs in I am creating a session array that tracks a jobNumber
> the last_completed_step in that job.  There are multiple jobs in a users
> session.  At the end of the session I want to write the updated array data
> back to the DB.
> I should make it clear that at present I look into my log file and see
that the
> session is started - as coded in the onSessionStart shown below.
> Furthermore, the onSessionEnd also writes to the log file when I take out
> invocation of the component.  In other words if I just tell it to write
> ended." to the log file I will see it in the log file. I have set current
> timeout in CF Administrator and my app.cfc for 3 minutes for testing.
> If I call the "giveMeAnswer" method in the jobState.cfc from a separate
> (also at the root level) the giveMeAnswer method works properly and
> returns the value "I am a CFC."
> If I move the jobState.cfc to the root level and set the component
> to "jobState" I am also getting a return from the component.
> <!--- Runs when your session starts ---> <cffunction name="onSessionStart"
> returnType="void" output="false">
>       <!--- :: invoke all session variables | moved out of on session
start  :: -
> -->
>       <cfinvoke
> component="#application.virtualPaths.cfcPath#system/sessionVars"
> method="init" />
>       <cflog file="#This.Name#" type="Information" text="Session
> started.">
> </cffunction>
> <!--- Runs when session times out --->
> <cffunction name="onSessionEnd" returntype="void">
>       <cfargument name="SessionScope" type="struct" required="true"
> />
>       <cfargument name="ApplicationScope" type="struct"
> required="true" />
>       <cfinvoke component="/lib/components/jobState"
> method="giveMeAnswer" returnvariable="returnFromCfc">
>       </cfinvoke>
>       <cflog file="#This.Name#" type="Information" text="Session ended.
> #returnFromCfc#">
>       <cfreturn />
> </cffunction>
> So, is it just not finding the component/method?  Any other ideas?
> Thanks much, Jerry
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