First, my apologies to all if this is a duplicate post. I seem to be having 
trouble posting.  Anyway,....

Hello All,

Thanks for your input. Ray, you are correct in that I needed to pass in the 
session scope variables correctly.  

In my original post it is clear that a) I was not passing in the session scope 
vars (the array) correctly; and b) I had not indicated the path correctly.  Now 
I've fixed those items and am mostly successful as in the following:

<cffunction name="onSessionEnd" returntype="void">
        <cfargument name="SessionScope" type="struct" required="true" />
        <cfargument name="ApplicationScope" type="struct" required="true" />
        <cfinvoke component="lib.components.jobState" 
method="writeJobStepArray" returnvariable="isSuccess">
                <cfinvokeargument name="theJobStepArray" 

        <cflog file="#This.Name#" type="Information" text="Session ended with 
success.  Array Evaluation is #isSuccess#">

        <cfreturn />

I had tried the / paths because it had appeared to me that the onSessionEnd was 
not finding the component but what I see now is that there is an error in the 
CFC regarding an application scope variable that I had not seen so naturally it 
was erroring out - not that it couldn't find the cfc.

I definitely learned a lot about using CFLOG for debugging in this one.  But, 
there is one other small issue and that is I tried to pass in the application 
scope var as follows and it didn't seem to work (so I've hard-coded for the 
time being):

In application.cfc I have defined a datasource structure:  application.database 
= structNew()

The database is:  application.database.dsn

I tried to pass this to the CFC in onSessionEnd like this:

<cfinvokeargument name="theDatasourceToUse" 

...but it didn't work.  What is the correct syntax for this?

Many thanks to all


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