Anyone who wants to fix the problem of distracted programmers in the
office should try Pair Programming.

WSS4CF - WS-Security framework for CF

On 25 June 2011 02:10, Aaron Rouse <> wrote:
> I am far less distracted when working from home.  I typically will get more
> done in 8 hours at home than I probably get done in at least 16 hours in one
> of the offices I work out of.  I actually feel like I goof off more at home
> then when in an office but can't say I ever tried measuring such things.
> It is not just an issue of if someone is capable of efficiently working from
> home.  Also an issue of if the people managing them can efficiently manage
> people they might never or hardly see in person.  Some people just have to
> see others in person.  What I see a lot for employees who work from home is
> they seem to get passed up for promotions and raises more so than the ones
> that work in the office.
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 8:49 PM, Sean Corfield <>wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 4:34 AM, Russ Michaels <>
>> wrote:
>> > working from home doesn't work for a lot of people though, there are too
>> > many distractions
>> There are too many distractions _for you_ but WFH works very well for
>> a lot of organizations. World Singles, for example, is completely
>> distributed - management, sales & marketing, customer service,
>> engineering - everyone works from home. There are certainly some
>> _people_ for which WFH doesn't work :)

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