Hi a bit stuck at the moment,

I am trying to implement a DB fail over to a slave database through CF 9.  I am 
using MYSQL as a DB.  I have setup datasource in the application.cfc to point 
to the main db.  When i trigger a stop service on the main db - which causes a 
failed db connection, i'm trying to get CF to change the datasource to the 
failover database. All that happens is the site keeps trying to connect to the 
main db without updating the db datasource in the cfcatch.  Note: this code 
below works if i have a syntax error in the query, but not for a DB connection 

See my code below, which i am putting in the onRequestStart and i have 
unchecked "Maintain Connections" in the datasource settings.

          <!--- Test whether the DB this application uses is accessible 
                by getting some data. --->
          <cfquery name="testDB" dataSource="#application.primary_datasource#" 
             SELECT id FROM user
          <cfcatch type="database"> 
               <cfset application.primary_datasource = "failoverdb">

I welcome any thoughts and assistance

thanks in advance.


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