I was able to get the following code to run sucessfully.  I took the database 
offline so CF couldn't connect to it.  As a second test, I also changed the 
server name to an invalid on in the datasource setup, and both scenarios worked.

    <cfquery name="testme" datasource="datasource" maxrows="10" timeout="2">
    Select * from testdb
    <cfquery name="testme" datasource="datasource2" maxrows="10" timeout="5">
    Select * from testdb

> Hi a bit stuck at the moment,
> I am trying to implement a DB fail over to a slave database through CF 
> 9.  I am using MYSQL as a DB.  I have setup datasource in the 
> application.cfc to point to the main db.  When i trigger a stop 
> service on the main db - which causes a failed db connection, i'm 
> trying to get CF to change the datasource to the failover database. 
> All that happens is the site keeps trying to connect to the main db 
> without updating the db datasource in the cfcatch.  Note: this code 
> below works if i have a syntax error in the query, but not for a DB 
> connection failure.
> See my code below, which i am putting in the onRequestStart and i have 
> unchecked "Maintain Connections" in the datasource settings.
> <cftry>
> <!--- Test whether the DB this application uses is accessible 
> by getting some data. --->
> <cfquery name="testDB" dataSource="#application.primary_datasource#" 
> maxrows="2">
> SELECT id FROM user
> </cfquery>
> <cfcatch type="database"> 
> <cfset application.primary_datasource = "failoverdb">
> </cfcatch>
> </cftry>
> I welcome any thoughts and assistance
> thanks in advance.
> Bas.

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