Last year one of my clients wanted to allow people to fill
out property rental forms online.  I built a web-based form,
and then took that data and inserted it into a PDF, so I could
provide a completed rental form that looks just like the ones
they use at the office when printed.

That worked fine.

Then my client wanted to have a PDF-based form that looked just
like their rental app.  I advised against it because there were
issues that came up in my testing using a PDF form.  My client instisted.

It was a pretty big form and was quite CPU intensive to process.
Many site visitor's computers apparently couldn't handle the process
of using a PDF and the result was too many failed PDF form submissions,
and lost rental opportunities.

I'm in the process now of reverting the system back to a form-based
user interface, which then takes the form data and inserts it into
a PDF for my client, which will work fine, as it did before.

My experience has been that PDF-based forms are much more difficult to
process, their performance and display is inconsistent across browsers,
and they take MUCH longer to download initially and process than do
web-based forms, making users think often that something is wrong and
they don't wait long enough for the form to download.

Users aren't used to PDF forms nearly as much as they are web-based forms.

I see only negatives, based on my experience with using a PDF form.

My advice is don't use a PDF form on the client side.  After a regular
form is submitted, then you can do whatever you like with the data...create
a PDF, enter the data into a database, email the data, whatever.


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Spurlock [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 3:14 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Adobe Solution?

I apologize in advance since this isn't a CF question, but I'm desperate and
hoping this is at least an Adobe question.  A client of mine wants to create
a form for users to fill out electronically.  He then wants to take their
responses (attached via email) and upload the data to an Access 2007
database.  He absolutely does not want this to be web-based.  He ideally
wanted me to create an interactive form in PDF.  I thought, "Sure, no
problem."  The problems I'm running into?  Importing PDF data into Access
appears to involve an extra step (converting the PDF to text or XML or
Excel) which he/the client would have to do (since he's the one getting the
returned forms).  Worse is that he wants some multi-select drop-down lists
in the form and I'm not seeing a way to do this in a PDF (I've played around
with both Acrobat Pro and LiveCycle Designer).  And without VBA skills I
don't have, I'm not even seeing how to do this in an Excel or Word
 form.  I'm getting stuck and turn to you kind sirs for your advice.  How
would you do this?


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