>>> What does everybody else do or any recommendations?

We use a product called Mailxpert http://www.xtreeme.com/mailxpert/ for both
discussion and broadcast lists.  It's primary feature was that it was very
inexpensive $125.00 US but has proven to be fairly robust.  It is
configurable but is not what I would say feature rich, it uses its own
database so there is no API for interfacing with it.  We have build CF email
forms for subscriptions and un-subscriptions to control it and it is
accessed via email for broadcasts or with a local only editor.  We have
several opt in lists in excess of 200,000 each and the only problem has been
that I have had to throttle back the send to not saturate my bandwidth.  It
has been easy to use and great for the price.

Dennis Powers
UXB Internet - A website Design and Hosting Company
P.O. Box 6028, Wolcott, CT 06716 - T:203-879-2844
W: http://www.uxbinternet.com
W: http://www.ctbusinesslist.com

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