
Great solution. Kind of complicated but totally doable.

I won't pretend to understand the complexity of the cfc you have, but all
that overhead to run one cfc seems extreme. I have a couple suggestions.

1- use native Ant to do it all. You can <concat> files and run jsmin or yui
compressor straight from ant. I was experimenting with this most of
yesterday with some pretty good success and can share it if you are

2- use scripting from within ant. You can include the Rhino js.jar scripting
engine, or groovy, or any number of JSR-223 compatible scripting languages
and get access to Ant's methods like making a <fileset> from within
javascript, as well as all the underlying java libraries. This works really
well because you can still use a cool programming language and keep it all
within Ant, no railo or cfml dependencies required.

Anyways, just some ideas, and like I said, I can share some of that with
you. I plan on talking about this stuff a little bit from my CF Unconference
talk at MAX this October, so if you're in the neighborhood...

nathan strutz
[] [] []

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 6:37 AM, Brook Davies <> wrote:

> Hey Nathan,
> So what I was doing was this. I am working on a new web app written with
> extJS. I have a CFC that I call that builds the client side app. It reads
> all of the ux and util directories and generates a config file used by
> jsBuilder to compress, combine and minify the JS used on the client side as
> well as compress and move CSS and resources.
> I am working towards getting a CI server setup and also need to ensure all
> developers can run a build locally. That's where the problem arises. The
> developers (JS developers) will not have CF installed on their local
> machine
> (or our pre-configured EC2 instance), and so I need to move the process of
> generating the jsBuilder config and executing it out of CF and into
> something that can run on any developers workstation - without a big
> install
> and setup.
> Since its just 1 CFC, I thought I could just use the java classes. But of
> course there are dependencies.
> I found a wicked, super cool solution to this last night! I downloaded
> Ralio
> Express and was able to get it to execute my CFC with basically zero setup.
> Ralio Express is freakin  awesome! There's no installer, you just run
> start.bat to start the server and stop.bat to stop it. So I've added it to
> my SVN and written an ANT task that starts it up and then runs the CFC that
> indexes all the directories, read in an XML config file and calls (via
> cfexcecute) the CFC that handles the build.
> My ANT task has these targets:
> <target name="startRalio" description="Starting Ralio Server"
> depends="MakeDirectories">
>                <java jar="tools/build/ralio/lib/start.jar"
>                   dir="tools/build/ralio/"
>           fork="true"
>                   spawn="true"
>           maxmemory="512M">
>                <arg value="-h"/>
>                    <arg value="-DSTOP.PORT=8887"/>
>                        <arg value="-DSTOP.KEY=railo"/>
>                </java>
>                <!-- wait for server to start up -->
>                <waitfor maxwait="10" maxwaitunit="second">
>                <and>
>                    <socket server="localhost" port="8888"/>
>                    <http url="http://localhost:8888/index.cfm"/>
>                </and>
>                </waitfor>
>        </target>
>        <target name="doBuild" description="Call the Ralio script to in turn
> call JsBuilder and do compilation" depends="startRalio">
>                <get src="http://localhost:8888/build/doBuild.cfm";
> dest="buildresult.txt" />
>                <!-- look for buildresult.txt, read the result and throw an
> error if any errors exist -->
>                 <loadfile property="buildresult"
> srcFile="${}buildresult.html"/>
>                 <echo message="${buildresult}"/>
>                 <antcall target="checkResult" />
>                 <antcall target="stopRalio" />
>        </target>
> Never used Ralio before, but very impressed with it!
> Brook
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nathan Strutz []
> Sent: August-06-11 12:39 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Run a class file generated with CF outside of CF
> Yeah, it's probably not going to happen. I mean, I am getting famous for
> saying that it's software, so we can do anything, but the problem is the
> amount of work it takes to do a thing. In this case you have to load a good
> amount of the CF server into memory, all the other related classes (one
> ..class for the cfc, one for each cffunction, etc.), then fake a request &
> response object, or whatever servlets do (I knew at one point). Your best
> bet is to not do this.
> It would be much easier to call your CF server rather than try to use the
> generated code out of context. There are many ways to call into CF from
> Java. The easiest one would be to hit it via a HTTP URI. Second easiest
> would be a web service. Third, you can use the CF services gateway - you
> can
> set up a local socket listener, which should be really performant. Also, I
> think Terrence Ryan had a project on RIAForge that lets you call it via the
> command line console.
> I wonder, what is the underlying reason for wanting to call the generated
> classes? Sort of an odd request. Why are you doing this? Maybe there's a
> better way to accomplish your end goal.
> nathan strutz
> [] [] []
> On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Brook Davies <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hey, I don't know if this is possible. I want to take a class file
> > from the cfclasses/ directory and run it from the command line outside
> > of the CF server.  It complains about not being able to find some cf
> related classes.
> > I assume this is not at all possible since the classes include lots of
> > CF specific classes for various functions. Is that right? Is this not
> > possible?
> >
> >
> >
> > Brook
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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