
Re: Railo from  the command line
That's sounds very cool and will be very useful.


Yeah, I know its kinda nuts to do all that just to run one CFC. But it is a
pretty big CFC and it does a lot including reading in and parsing XML config
files that are used by the application, and indexing directories etc.  While
I would agree it would be better to keep it all inside ANT without the
dependency on Railo (thank Peter!), the main factor for me was
implementation time. I'm already behind schedule and no time to re-write
this code - so using Railo was the fastest solution. It has the added
benefit that it is leveraging some existing CFML and plus, CFML scripting is
where I am strongest (that and JS..), so it made sense.

I think if I had the time I would have done it all in ANT. What you said
about using Rhino sounds very promising. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Corfield [] 
Sent: August-07-11 6:22 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Run a class file generated with CF outside of CF

FWIW, Railo 4.0 will make this even easier by allowing CFML to be executed
directly from the command line (or ant) without needing a server running at
all. This will effectively make CFML a general purpose scripting language
that can be used outside the servlet container!

Builds of 4.0 are currently pre-alpha and undergoing testing in-house. Once
Railo 3.3 goes gold (should happen around the end of this month), that will
become the stable release and 4.0 will appear on the development builds /
bleeding edge provider.


On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 6:37 AM, Brook Davies <> wrote:

> I found a wicked, super cool solution to this last night! I downloaded 
> Ralio Express and was able to get it to execute my CFC with basically 
> zero setup.
> Ralio Express is freakin  awesome! There's no installer, you just run 
> start.bat to start the server and stop.bat to stop it. So I've added 
> it to my SVN and written an ANT task that starts it up and then runs 
> the CFC that indexes all the directories, read in an XML config file 
> and calls (via
> cfexcecute) the CFC that handles the build.

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