On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Richard Steele <r...@photoeye.com> wrote:

> I'm concerned that at some point Adobe will pull the plug on CF as free PHP
> continues to grow its user base. I know that there is an open source version
> of CF, but I'm not sure if it has Enterprise features such as the ability to
> create load balanced multiple instances. What's the general feeling about
> this? Should I be concerned?  Is there any work being done on ColdFusion 10?

Even if there wasn't a ColdFusion 10 or 11, we could all continue to
work/develop just fine on previous versions.

The notion that the we're in a sinking ship just because Adobe stops
production on new ColdFusion releases will not stop me from using CF8 or CF9
for years to come.

Don't forget php is still version 5 how long has it been since a major
release there?

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