To clarify the below post, when I try to get the cookie by setting 
redirect="false" in my cfhttp call, I get an error and the message from cfcatch 
is " 302 Moved Temporarily "

So that's why I can't get the cookie.

> Hi all,
> I am working on a screen-scraper app, and I have a site that has an 
> disclaimer front page.  You have to click on the "I understand" button 
> and then you are redirected to the inspections page that I need to get 
> to.
> I can get to the disclaimer page, but I cannot get cfhttp to get past 
> that.  Using httpFox, when I click the button, this is the sequence:
> Method Result  Type             URL
> POST   302     Redirect         http://...
> /_health/disclaimer_inspections.aspx  
> GET    200     text/html      http://.../_health/inspections.aspx     
> The values being posted are:
> Parameter:            Value:
> __VIEWSTATE         
> /wEPDwUJMzM5MDA2Nzk1ZGQ91EYKFinXdbt91hRyVwUbewQnFw==
> /wEWAgKmztb+CwLdkpmPAXZ27WIyDXuA5VtsQPUU8V4WPmj9
> btnOK               I Understand
> The viewstate and eventvalidation are static values.  
> Now, normally I don't have any problem with redirects, but I cannot 
> get to the inspections page; the cfhttp keeps returning the disclaimer 
> page. When I look at the headers, the disclaimer_inspections.aspx page 
> is receiving an ASP.NET SessionID in the response header which is then 
> being passed to the inspections.aspx
> Do I need to grab that session ID manually?  I thought I might have to 
> do that so I have tried to set redirect="false", but I can't get the 
> session ID returned in the header
> Any ideas, suggestions, references would be greatly appreciated.
> Best,
> Kathryn 

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