On 8/9/2011 1:00 PM, Richard Steele wrote:
> I'm concerned that at some point Adobe will pull the plug on CF as free PHP 
> continues to grow its user base. I know that there is an open source version 
> of CF, but I'm not sure if it has Enterprise features such as the ability to 
> create load balanced multiple instances. What's the general feeling about 
> this? Should I be concerned?  Is there any work being done on ColdFusion 10?

At RIACon in Rockville just this last weekend, there were six(?)
members of the CF team from Bangalore including the Product Marketing
Manager and security czar. There was a lot of content on Zeus in the
presentations. They also stated that it would be out next year. (No
I don't know if that meant Dec 2012 or Jan 2012.)

 From everything I saw and heard, ColdFusion 10 is going to be a
great improvement and in ways that may not be obvious at first.
There are many new security tags. There is a huge improvement in
the administrator that we saw including one-click hot fixes. These
things were in the presentations and no one had to sign NDAs so
I assume the information is out in the wild.

I got a great feeling of relief in meeting and talking with the
team from Adobe. I was wondering the same thing you were before
and wondering if this move to Bangalore was the first step in the
demise of the product. Now, I am looking ahead at many more years
of developing in my favorite system. The Adobe engineering and
marketing team were very impressive.

In September, the new product manager and other staff will be at
NCDevCon in Raleigh http://ncdevcon.com/ You should be there to
hear the news for yourself. It's going to be fun.

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