Off the top of my head, do you have a mapping to the /CFIDE/scripts directory, 
or is it accessible to the browser? It may be that CF is not finding the 
scripts it needs to run cfgrid.


> Running ColdFusion Server Standard 9,0,0,251028 and using CFGRID for 
> the first time in years.  It was going just fine until I started 
> trying to implement a filter.
> First I found Dan Vega's blog: http://www.danvega.
> org/blog/2008/3/10/ColdFusion-8-Grid-Filtering
> I downloaded his source and ran it... the grid displays, but no filter.  
> I'm not proficient at debugging Ajax, but what I did do was:
> 1) Copy the toolbar.js and button.js to the same directory as the code 
> to be sure.  I did this because the path on my server to these files 
> was different than the path his example expected... when that didn't 
> work I used the webs to borrow someone else's copy that was in the 
> path Vega expected... but of course that still didn't work.
> 2) I then wanted to check the first step of all the js setup and wrote 
> an alert:
> alert(ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject('ArtistGrid'));
> result: "undefined"
> Vega's example was written for CF 8.  I found another one that was 
> written for CF9:
> cfm/add-header-in-cfgrid-in-coldfusion-9
> This too used the Artist dsn so I copied it verbatim and tried it out.  
> Same stuff.  No actual errors but the EXT toolbar doesn't display, the 
> alert shows "undefined" and I don't really know what I can do to 
> diagnose what is going on.
> Any help?  Can someone run these examples on CF 9 and let me know if 
> it works fine for them?  If it DOES, any clues what is my malfunction?  
> Is it that I don't have the 9.01 update installed (not my choice, that... 
> I don't have control over these servers).
> -Patti 

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