Not really possible - it's not encrypted, it's an MD5 hash. You'll find plenty 
of links on how to *reset* the password (as the generous Google URL 
copy-and-paster provided), but that's not what you're asking for. There are 
ways to "crack" a password, if you have a large enough MD5 hash database, but 
that's not a good approach.

Your better approach is to convert the Wordpress to use a single sign on 
solution, such as oAuth. There are a number of WordPress plugins for this.

Billy Cravens

On Aug 25, 2011, at 11:56 AM, Joel Black wrote:

> I have a website I am building that will be a 2 piece solution.  It will have 
> a blog built with Wordpress, but the main website and store will be built 
> with ColdFusion.  We want the user to be able to log into the blog, and log 
> into their shopping cart with the same username and password. 
> So my question is how do I decrypt the password from the Wordpress style 
> encryption.  Also, I will have to encrypt the password to the Wordpress style 
> if a user registers for an account in the checkout process. 

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