Good afternoon, one of the projects I'm working on has a need to
generate graphical output in a tree-like format, such as a family tree
or organizational chart (e.g. a box with a name with a line branching
out to subordinate elements).  Further, this will be output as part of
a PDF document, so anything that can generate an image should fit the
bill.  Does anyone have pointers to extensions, CFCs, Java extensions,
etc. that would allow me to pass some data in and spit out a tree-like
image?  My Google-fu is failing me at the moment, though I'm sure
there is something floating around out there.

If anyone has tips of alternate charting libraries I could use that as
well.  CFCHART is nice, but the output it generates isn't exactly what
the client is looking for.  Any suggestions appreciated.  Thanks!

-Justin Scott

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