I have been running Apache for a number of years on Windows. I really like
Apache and I have not used IIS in years. The last version I used was IIS 6
on Windows server 2003 some 4 years ago.

I have a new  2k8 server and I am curious about IIS 7.5. I have heard some
of you espousing vigorously on the virtues of IIS 7.5 and was wondering what
it was you liked about it, what you don't like, so on and so forth.
Particularly about running CF. I also run a ton of PHP apps so that is
another thing I need to conciser.

I was on IIS for years before I want to Apache and I would like to cull some
of the collective wisdom of the list and see what your thought are on the

As always, many TIA!


Gerald Guido

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