> I can only imagine what a game of scrabble must be like at your house.

It must be nonexistent, as I don't play Scrabble. That said, my
understanding of the rules is that you use a specific dictionary as an
authoritative answer to whether you can play a word. That's fine, it's
just a game, and games have specific rules. Natural languages don't
have such specific rules. There's no referee to call foul when a word
is coined in a way not to your liking.

> In the interest of moving forward and freeing up my spare time I'll concede 
> to you that truthiness is a word. (Even though the red squiggle under the word
> right now seems to be mocking me.)

Just for kicks, I tested this in TextEdit, TextWrangler, and MS Word
for Mac 2011 (the three text editors I happened to have handy this
minute). All three spellcheckers recognized the word. It's recognized
by my spellcheckers, and not by yours! Black is white, up is down!
Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria! We must live in
parallel universes - in one universe it's a word, and in another it's

Anyway, if you feel intimidated by your spellchecker, perhaps you have
issues that go beyond this discussion. And no one's holding a gun to
your head to make you reply - your spare time is your own to spend how
you like.

> We'll have to agree to disagree as to whether or not using it in a 
> presentation would make you look a fool.

Sure, and in any case I'm not inclined to take presentation advice
from someone who thinks words come from dictionaries. I'll note that
you didn't answer the question I asked earlier, though - what word
would you use in its place? Feel free to ignore this question if you
want to move forward and free up your spare time.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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