> Just for kicks, I tested this in TextEdit, TextWrangler, and MS Word for
> Mac 2011

Ug. Mac. Now it makes sense. You likely also think black turtle necks are

> Anyway, if you feel intimidated by your spellchecker, perhaps you have
> issues that go beyond this discussion.

:) I see you've got a keen sense of humour Dave. Not to be outdone by your
ability to spot sarcasm.

> Sure, and in any case I'm not inclined to take presentation advice
> from someone who thinks words come from dictionaries.

Sure Dave, that's neither here nor there. Continue on your path, it seems

I'll note that you didn't answer the question I asked earlier, though - what
> word
> would you use in its place?

You're right Dave. I did miss that. What would I use in it's place? In the
context that it's used in the original statement here? Or in the context of
what all the dictionary references that have been posted? The "evidence"
given to prove the existence of "truthiness" (there's that squiqqle again in
Chrome) in no way relates to Truthy and Falsy, so if we're talking about the
original statement I wouldn't replace it, I'd just use it correctly. If
we're talking about the way it's cited in the "evidence" then I'd replace it
perhaps with instinct, strong hunch, belief or intuition.

There's another five minutes I'll never get back. I'm such a sucker for
Troll bait.

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