Has anyone come across this issue (IE8-same behavior in XP and Windows 7):

- index.cfm page displays a table from a cfquery. The query is based on 
cfselect list allowing multiple entries in a cfform. Clicking submit on the 
form, correctly displays the table output below the form based on the select 
list parameters passed to the cfquery via form variable. 

- a hyperlink in the form (not a submit), target="_blank" opens same index.cfm 
using saveas=excel url parameter via cfcontent to display table data to Excel 
instead of html.

- When the user clicks the hyperlink, the page opens in Excel and displays data 
correctly.  They then close the file (and window).  

- On parent page, user chooses other values in the select list, then clicks 
submit on the form.  

Result:  debugging shows all the form variables are null and table data is not 
displayed correctly.  List selections are ignored.  

As long as the hyperlink to Excel file is not selected, user chooses other 
values in the select list as many times as desired, clicks submit on the form 
and all form variables are populated -- no problems.  The only time the form 
variables become null is if the page is opened in Excel in a _blank target 
window via CFContent and then the user closes the window and tries to change 
parameters in the select list on the previous page and clicks submit.  

I'm stuck.

Dawn Sekel, TCLEOSE Webmaster
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement 
  Officer Standards and Education
6330  East Highway 290, Suite 200
Email:  dawn.se...@tcleose.state.tx.us
Website:  http://www.tcleose.state.tx.us

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