my guess would be that ur running 32bit CF and thus everything in 32bit mode.

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Roberto Perez <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I found a few posts on this list from 2009 discussing how CF8 on a 64-bit 
> system will not work with MS Access ODBC drivers.
> Not being aware of that (I've been away from CF for a couple of years) last 
> week I created several MS Access ODBC connections on a W2008 R2 64-bit 
> system. Cold Fusion was version 8, 32-bit. The connections worked fine and 
> the .cfm pages displayed database content properly.
> A week later, the database connectivity does not work anymore. The debugging 
> page says source is not accessible, and the Data & Services -> Data Sources 
> section in the CF administrative interface fails to verify the MS Access 
> connections (other connection verify OK). All this to be expected, BTW, if 
> the MS Access ODBC is not supposed to work on a 64-bit system.
> The two CF ODBC services (ColdFusion 8 ODBC Agent and ColdFusion 8 ODBC 
> Server) are stopped, and when I try to start them, I get the message "The 
> ColdFusion 8 ODBC server service on local computer started and then stopped." 
> (also to be expected as per previous exchanges).
> So I have 2 questions about this:
> - If this set up is not supposed to work, how come last week I was able to 
> create the ODBC connections, they verified fine in the CF administrator, and 
> the database content was served properly?
> - The CF administrator lets me create an MS Access ODBC using the Microsoft 
> Access with Unicode driver. I created a test ODBC and it verifies OK. What's 
> the implications of using this driver instead? I mean, will the content of my 
> database be treated differently, with strange character conversions or 
> something?
> Thank you for any input you may have.

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