Can you share your XML file? It would be best if you could use an XML
string and static data. If you can then share one CFM file I can run
locally it will make testing easier.

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 2:58 PM, Kelly Ross <> wrote:
> I am using ColdFusion8 and I am creating a report with numerous charts and 
> graphs with WebCharts.
> The problem I am having is with pie charts. I want to be able to adjust items 
> like the label styles.
> With the bar graphs, I am simply creating the graph with WebCharts, saving 
> the xml , and adding the style value (styles = "test"). No problems.
> However, with pie graphs I get a "Text Outside XML:" error.
> Even if I just copy the default pie xml (default_pie.xml) , rename it, and 
> then try to use the style in the cfchart tag, it gives me the same error.
> Here are examples:
> This works for a bar graph. You will see I have style="Veggies". The name of 
> the xml file I am using for that bar chart is called Veggies.xml. I have 6 
> bar charts using 6 different xml files working this way with no problem :
> <cfchart
> format="png"
> xaxistitle=""
> chartheight="500"
> chartwidth="600"
> scalefrom="0"
> font="arial"
> fontsize="16"
> xoffset="0.05"
>        yoffset="0.05"
> show3d = "no"
> fontBold ="yes"
> style="Veggies"
> But the same format does NOT work for pie chart. I get the Text Outside XML 
> error:
> <cfchart
>        pieslicestyle="sliced"
>        format="png"
>        chartHeight = "400"
>        chartWidth = "600"
>        font="Arial"
>        showborder="no"
>        show3d="yes"
>        yAxisTitle = "Test X Axis"
>        style="test"
>     >
> Any one have any ideas?

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