Putting production data source connections on the development server
is a practice you should avoid. I cringe whenever I see developers do

Having the development DSN on the production server is less risky.
Another path would be having the two databases linked at the database
level and use database code to copy objects between servers, possibly
triggered by a command issued by a Web UI. Database security is easier
to control at the database level, and you wouldn't have to expose the
production dsn on the dev Web server.

I can't think of too many examples where you would want to copy
production data to development using a ColdFusion Web GUI. I use
specialized database tools or scripts, with no UI, when transferring
database data between environments. If you really need this ability
through a ColdFusion application, then having a password prompt is a
bit better than using an embedded password.

-Mike Chabot

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Brook Davies <cft...@logiforms.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm setting up a new environment and I would like to have the ability,
> through a web UI to copy objects from our production database (separate
> server) to a development/debugging database (separate server). My question
> is not about how to implement this but rather whether this is bad practice.
> It would involve exposing the production database on the dev server (via a
> datasource mapping in the cfadmin).
> This would mean that any developer that is using our dev server (my concern
> is contractors..) would be able to write a query against the production
> database and potentially download sensitive data. How to people handle this
> type of risk?
> One idea I had was to not hardcode the database username/password in the
> CFadmin and instead prompt for it when accessing this specific tool through
> the web UI. Does that sound like a reasonable means of protecting the data
> in the production database from developers working on the development
> server?
> Anybody have better ideas?
> Brook

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