Generally, it is pretty bad practice to copy production data to any other
network. You would most definitely not pass a SaaS 70 audit if they found
that you were doing it. You would also not pass the same audit if they found
that all of your developers had direct access to that data without going
through permission granting hoops.

That said, you may not have a need to worry about it if your data isnt
really that sensitive in the first place. In which case, I think domain
authentication would be the better way to govern the access. When people
leave or contracts expire, the removal of their domain accounts would cover
removing the DB access. Otherwise, you may find yourself managing the
accounts individually for everything or changing the password every time
someone leaves.

Another option, which Russ mentioned, is scrubbing the data before copying
it down to the dev network. Of course, you'd want to do that on the
production network BEFORE copying it down to the other network. I have seen
people do the scrubbing AFTER the move... which is kind of pointless.

Just some things to think about.

Bobby Hartsfield

-----Original Message-----
From: Brook Davies [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 4:02 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Best Practice question about database access between Dev and
Production Servers



I'm setting up a new environment and I would like to have the ability,
through a web UI to copy objects from our production database (separate
server) to a development/debugging database (separate server). My question
is not about how to implement this but rather whether this is bad practice.
It would involve exposing the production database on the dev server (via a
datasource mapping in the cfadmin).


This would mean that any developer that is using our dev server (my concern
is contractors..) would be able to write a query against the production
database and potentially download sensitive data. How to people handle this
type of risk?


One idea I had was to not hardcode the database username/password in the
CFadmin and instead prompt for it when accessing this specific tool through
the web UI. Does that sound like a reasonable means of protecting the data
in the production database from developers working on the development


Anybody have better ideas?




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