The error code mentions Line 63 as the start of an if () statement, and
Line 52 as the start of the <cfscript> tag. We'll need probably the entire
if () block at the least, as it would seem the issue lies in there.

Hard to speculate based solely upon the error message, as CF is notorious
for providing rather cryptic error messages which often send one off
chasing ghosts.

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 1:37 PM, daniel kessler <> wrote:

> >First off, this is a nearly 4 year old thread. It may or may not apply to
> >what you're working on now.
> >
> >What CFML engine and version are you using?
> >
> >What is the relevant code?
> I didn't think reposting was a good idea, since there was a thread with a
> relevant history.
> I'm using CF7.
> I posted the relevant code: part of the component, the cfabort/dump code,
> and my call.  Is there more code that you would like?

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