>The error code mentions Line 63 as the start of an if () statement, and
>Line 52 as the start of the <cfscript> tag. We'll need probably the entire
>if () block at the least, as it would seem the issue lies in there.
>Hard to speculate based solely upon the error message, as CF is notorious
>for providing rather cryptic error messages which often send one off
>chasing ghosts.

In this case, it is reporting loosely.  If I comment out the cf_abort, there is 
no error.  So it has a problem with the cf_abort.  That being a problem, messes 
with the next line, the "else".  Since the else is part of the IF, it complains 
about the whole IF.  Really, it's complaining about the cf_abort, like it 
doesn't know what it is.

However, the IF is several hundred lines long.  Here's the relevant part up to 
the 'else' that works fine with the cf_abort commented out:

if (len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_first_name) gt 0 OR 
len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_middle_initial) gt 0 OR 
len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_last_name) gt 0 OR
                                   len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_firm_ein) gt 
0 OR len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_firm_name) gt 0 OR 
len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_phone) gt 0 OR
                                   len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_phone_ext) gt 
0 OR len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_address_1) gt 0 OR 
len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_address_2) gt 0 OR
                                   len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_city) gt 0 OR 
len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_state_id) gt 0 OR 
len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_province) gt 0 OR
gt 0 OR len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_postal_code) gt 0 OR 
len(arguments.inStruct.a_agent_email) gt 0)
                                        dbResult = 
                                        if (dbResult eq "0,")
                                                request.inStruct.l_agent_id = 
                                                request.inStruct.l_agent_id = 
                                        request.inStruct.l_agent_id = "";       

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