On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 7:39 PM, James Holmes <james.hol...@gmail.com>wrote:

> This would confirm which patches are missing:
> http://www.hackmycf.com/

James - it will let you know to the best of its abilities, but there are
certain factors that might cause it to not detect a missing patch (eg
perhaps something is not there on one virtual host that is on another, and
some patches we could detect remotely but would cause your server to crash
so we don't do those tests ofcourse).

For paid subscribers we (full disclosure I own the company that sells the
service) have a cfm file that you can place on your server that we call the
probe. The probe.cfm file allows hackmycf.com and your server to
communicate (encrypted with AES and you can also layer SSL on top of that)
additional info that yields a more reliable result than the free version.
The probe sends back Java Version information, a list jar of file names in
the lib/updates directory, and we are also able to request a md5 checksum
of certain files.

Here's a screenshot that shows the additional info you can get on a CF9.0.1
server: https://foundeo.com/hack-my-cf/images/6-reasons.png

I hope that answers your question feel free to contact me directly, and you
all can use discount code 543m to get $5 off your first 3 months (new
accounts only, expires 3/1/12).


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